

How to Make Tomatoes Chips?

  • February 19, 2023

How do you like your fries? Soft or crunchy? I like my tomato chips crunchy and a little salty. This is one of the best snacks to enjoy after a long day out.

Tomato chips are a crunchy and flavorful snack that can be made from fresh tomatoes. While you can have some in a fast food cafe, making your own tomato chips at home is a good idea.

If you want to make tomato chips using the freshest tomatoes possible, you can grow your own. For an in-depth guide about growing tomatoes, I would suggest you follow Backyard Gardeners Network, they did a great job on this subject. Here are a few tips on how to grow tomatoes for your chips.


How Do You Keep Veggies Chips Crisp?

  • November 17, 2022

There’s something almost magical about the perfect chip — think kale, sweet potato, or beet — that has been sliced thinly and then baked until it’s perfectly crisp and crunchy.

Unfortunately, keeping your chips this perfect is not always easy. These little guys can become soggy even in the best home kitchens and most seasoned chefs’ hands. Even though you may have just spent time paring away every last bit of excess moisture from your vegetables to prep them for this moment, there are a few things that can go wrong with anyone trying their hand at homemade vegetable chips.


10 Healthiest Veggie Chips You Can Grow in Your Garden

  • May 25, 2022

Did you also know that growing your veggie chips in the garden is a great way to boost your intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber? The benefits of homegrown veggies are undeniable. Here are 10 types of veggies that make great chips when sliced and planted in the soil.

1. Beets

Beets top the list of best options when it comes to healthy and tasty snacks. Beets are easy to grow and produce healthy, easy-to-snack-on veggies. Beetroots can be harvested anywhere from 50-80 days after planting!


Top 5 Benefits of Chips Made From Whole Veggies

  • January 10, 2022

When you think of potato chips, the first thought that comes to mind is “fatty and unhealthy.” Well, nothing can be further from the truth. Today, manufacturers have devised innovative methods to make chips out of wholesome root veggies.

Chips from whole veggies are low in calories and sodium but high in fiber and nutrients. Also, they are an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Moreover, they are quite filling due to the high fiber content.

Eating these healthy snacks can lead to multiple benefits, like reduced risks of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases and increased satiety levels.